Orphans | Access

Access tickets can be purchased using the BOOK NOW links on our website or by contacting venues directly using the details below.
Venue Details
Beacon Arts Centre
Email: info@beaconartscentre.co.uk
Phone: 01475 723 723
SEC Armadillo
Email: info@sec.co.uk
Phone: 0141 576 3230 (open Mon-Fri, 9.00am - 2.00pm)
King’s Theatre Edinburgh
Email: bookings@capitaltheatres.com
Phone: 0131 529 6000
Typetalk/ Text Relay: 18001 0131 529 6003
Eden Court
Email: boxoffice@eden-court.co.uk
Phone: 01463 234 234
Wheelchair Access
All touring venues for Orphans are wheelchair accessible. To book a wheelchair space please contact the venue directly.
Audio Description
SEC Armadillo: Saturday 9 April, 2.30pm
King's Theatre, Edinburgh: Saturday 16 April, 2.30pm
Eden Court: Saturday 30 April, 2.30pm
Integrated BSL Interpretation
Orphans includes integrated BSL Interpretation by Catherine King and Yvonne Strain.
SEC Armadillo: Friday 8 April, 7.30pm
King's Theatre, Edinburgh: Wednesday 13 April, 7.30pm
Eden Court: Friday 29 April, 7.30pm
SEC Armadillo: Saturday 9 April, 2.30pm
King's Theatre, Edinburgh: Thursday 14 April, 7.30pm
Eden Court: Saturday 30 April, 2.30pm
To find out more about Orphans, visit the main booking page here.