
Community engagement is our passion.

We co-create meaningful work with leading artists, tackling issues relevant to people's lives.
Join us on this empowering journey of artistic collaboration and storytelling.

0 Stars

I've felt listened to, respected and understood. I'd like to commend the NTS for carrying out this project and doing so in an empowering way.

A comment from a participant

Holding/Holding On

0 Stars

being strong and letting your voice be heard means that you have a place in the world

A comment from a student participant.

Little Amal: We are Mighty

0 Stars

I know, without doubt, that your work with us has changed the lives of those young people and we will be forever grateful to you

Claire McInally, Head teacher, St Thomas Aquinas, Glasgow

Like Flying

The Neighbourhood

Welcome to The Neighbourhood, a captivating project by the National Theatre of Scotland in North Glasgow! We're on a mission to discover what it truly means to be a good neighbour and how our presence as a National company affects the local community. Through action research, we've delved into the lives of our neighbours, meeting community leaders and learning about their incredible initiatives.

Residency Artists Eoin McKenzie and Roisin Mary McLinden have been engaging with our local North Glasgow community and have now completed their Develop Residency. We saw Roisin create a participatory art project fusing cycling and theatre making. At its core sits the question: how can we cultivate a state of wonder from which to make new work? Through exploring of the Forth Clyde canal by bike, participants discovered wonder within their local landscape, using their connection to nature as inspiration to generate ideas. Wonder Landswill culminate in a with a short film showing at Pinkston Gala Day on the 3rd August.

Eoin McKenzie created the Neighbourhood Variety Show which sought to re-imagine the tradition of variety shows through inviting local people and performers to take to the stage in a joyous celebration of the North Glasgow region. It transformed the stage into a truly civic space where community can be felt and experienced, and celebrated by a diverse array of short performances made in collaboration with local people.

Previous projects have been integral in shaping our engagement with the North Glasgow community. From the immersive experience of Submarine Time Machine to the empowering Bank of Springburn, and the unifying spirit of Fly the Flag.

Nic Green: Transforming Scottish Theatre Post-Pandemic with AHRC Doctoral Award

Like Flying lead artist Nic Green has been awarded the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Award studentship researching ‘Theatre Without Walls: Rethinking Engagement, Participation and Social Impact in (Post) Pandemic Scottish Theatre’.

This doctoral project aims to assess the National Theatre of Scotland’s commitment to dismantling barriers to creative participation, equity and justice – to being a ‘theatre without walls’ – during and for (post)pandemic times. Seeking to enhance engagement processes and practices, the project asks: ‘How can artist-led co-creation, participation and social impact be theorised anew within the remit of a national organisation after the pandemic?’

The project is hosted by the National Theatre of Scotland’s Creative Engagement department who lead on the co-creation of socially engaged projects with schools and communities.

Read more about this here
