Uisge-Beatha Gu Leòr | Whisky Galore
April - May 2015

Air a riochdachadh le Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Robhanis, Paidh is Pinnt ann an Òran Mòr
An Dàrna Cogadh agus tha na h-eileanan Todaidh Beag agus Todaidh Mòr ann an èiginn – chan eil deur uisge-beatha ri fhaighin. Mar sin, chan fhaod Sergeant Odd an leannan aige Peggy a phòsadh, oir mar a tha fios aig a h-uile duine, cha thachair rèiteach as aonais dram.
Ach tha piseach a’ tighinn air a’ chùis nuair a tha an S.S.Cabinet Minister a’ bualadh Sgeir a’ Ghobha, le 50,000 ceasaichean uisge-beatha air bòrd! Ach chan eil aon duine dòigheil, Caiptein Waggett, am fear os cionn an Home Guard.
An tèid aig na Todaich air an uisge-beatha fhalachd bho na Gàidsearan? Am pòs Sergeant Odd an leannan aige? Am bi duine sobair a-rithist?
Is e innse ùr a tha seo den sgeulachd air leth seo (fiolm ainmeil Ealing a bh’ann an ‘Whisky Galore’, dèante ann an 1949), le iomadach caractar annasach, mar a shaoileadh duine, uisge-beatha gu leòr.
Bidh an dealbh-chluich ann an Gàidhlig, le beagan Beurla.
Whisky Galore
Presented by the National Theatre of Scotland, Robhanis and A Play, A Pie and A Pint at Òran Mór.
World War II and the islands of Great Todday and Little Todday are suffering from a distinct lack of whisky, which means that Sergeant Odd cannot marry his sweetheart. For as everyone knows, a rèiteach (wedding party) cannot happen without a dram.
The only person happy with the situation is Captain Waggett, ever on the look-out for any loose talk on the islands.
Things change dramatically when a ship runs aground with 50 thousand cases of whisky on board and the islanders decide to claim this bounty.
Captain Waggett vows to put an end these shenanigans and a hilarious race against time ensues. Can the islanders hide the whisky? Can Sergeant Odd get married? Will anyone on Todday ever be sober again?
This delightful new version of the much-loved, whimsical comedy (made famous by the 1949 Ealing film) features a host of colourful characters and, naturally, whisky galore.
Please note Whisky Galore will be performed almost entirely in Gaelic, with English surtitles.
- Name
- MJ Deans
- Name
- Julie Hale
- Name
- Roseanne Lynch
- Name
- Calum Macdonald
- Name
- Iain Macrae
Creative team
- Name
- Compton Mackenzie
- Role
- Original Author
- Name
- Iain Finlay Macleod
- Role
- Adaptation
- Name
- Guy Hollands
- Role
- Director
- Name
- Claire Halleran
- Role
- Designer
- Name
- Paul Claydon
- Role
- Lighting Designer
- Name
- Alasdair Macrae
- Role
- Composer