Thirteen Fragments

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‘There was that year. That year that never ended.’

Thirteen fragments of love, death, exhaustion, anger, and hope. Fragments given physical life through body and camera movement. Fragments given voice in poetry, soundscape, and music.

Thirteen Fragments is an artistic response to the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Post Covid-19 Futures Commission addressing how Scotland can emerge from the pandemic as a more equitable society.

Rooted in the experience of the last year as a woman of colour, this intimate digital artwork brings artforms together to explore the meaning of female resilience in Scotland today.

An accompanying digital panel discussion event involves Hannah Lavery in conversation with Talat Yaqoob and Zinnie Harris, Their discussion, which takes the film as starting point, focuses on some of the themes that the work highlights including the impact of Covid on women and wider society and the role that art and creativity play in the pandemic.

Written and Directed by Hannah Lavery

National Theatre of Scotland and The Royal Society of Edinburgh co-production.

The project has been commissioned as part of the RSE Post Covid-19 Futures Commission and will be premiered online during the RSE’s summer events programme, Curious 2021 running from 9th to 27th August.

4 Stars

Lavery's poetic monologue is as beautiful as her delivery

Broadway world

0 Stars

A piercing, powerful portrayal of pandemic loss and transformation

Meeting of Minds UK

Creative team



    Creative team


    Audio Described and Captioned versions of Thirteen Fragments are available.

    The National Theatre of Scotland reserves the right to alter casts, performances, seating or ticket arrangements.