The Last Queen of Scotland

Underbelly, Edinburgh

August 2017

An illustration showing a group of woman wearing heavy coats, hats and scarves. One holds the hand of a young child walking beside them. The image is overlaid in red, with a yellow saltire cross cutting across.


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My Mum and Dad had £7.00 pounds when then got here. They got 90-days to leave and seven shitty pounds. 90-days, two pints, one pack of fags, gone.

In August 1972 notorious dictator Idi Amin ordered the expulsion of all Indians from Uganda under a 90-day deadline leaving Jaimini Jethwa’s family as refugees displaced in Dundee.

Jaimini grew up knowing next to nothing about her homeland and identifying much more as a Dundonian than a Ugandan, until one day she decided she needed to find out about where she came from.

How do you confront those who have taken your homeland from you? How do you belong when you’re searching for your identity?

Performed by one woman to a live soundtrack and through the street sounds of Dundonian dialect as a ‘love letter to the D… you know, fir giving me a hame.’ Experience Jaimini’s personal struggle to gain acceptance and belong.

Stellar Quines presents The Last Queen of Scotland.

By Jaimini Jethwa. Commissioned and supported by National Theatre of Scotland and Dundee Rep.


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