Première neige / First Snow

Kings Hall, Edinburgh

August 2018

Thierry Mabonga and Isabelle Vincent in First Snow / Premiere Neige. Thierry sits on the left of the screen beside a piano, staring into the distance. Isabelle stands slightly out of focus behind him, also staring off into the distance.


0 Stars

That was when I realised my father and I would never agree on politics

Scotland and Québec share more than a fiery spirit and a burning sense of identity, they have both been split by a simple vote. Yes or No.

When Isabelle summons her family back to her ancestral home in Québec, they come from all corners of the world, despite their history. It is time for them to talk about what comes next – but how can they agree now when they never have before?

Première neige / First Snow is a tale of family and politics, of radical disagreement and unwavering hope.

Winner of the Scotsman Fringe First Award 2018

Written by Davey Anderson, Phillipe Ducros and Linda McLean, Directed by Patrice Dubois.

National Theatre of Scotland, Théâtre PÀP and Hôtel-Motel present


    Creative team
