Peeping at Bosch

July 2008


Everyone knows the imagery of Hieronymus Bosch, whether from 1960s LP covers, Athena living room prints, or good old fashioned books.

His knives with ears, squatting devils and flying fish have found a permanent home in the corners of our memory. But hardly anyone takes a good hard look at the work.

So let’s begin.

Bosch’s most famous piece “The Garden of Earthly Delights” actually features more visions of idyllic harmony than horrific scenes of torture, and offers an almost heretical possibility of “what might have been” if man did not fall from grace in the Garden of Eden.

Peeping At Bosch is a theatrically interactive art experience between the cream of Scotland’s artistic experimenters under the direction of Ian Smith.

The project offers a chance to get “up close and personal” with the iconic imagery of “The garden of earthly Delights” and ponder our own position in the bizarre cosmology.