Pages of the Sea
11 November 2018

On 11 November 2018, communities will gather on beaches across the UK and Republic of Ireland to say thank you and goodbye.
Film-maker Danny Boyle invites you to join him in marking 100 years since Armistice and the end of the First World War. Pages of the Sea is a unique moment to say goodbye, together, to the millions of men and women who left their shores during the war, many never to return.
You’re invited to beaches across the UK where, over the course of several hours, a portrait of an individual from the First World War will emerge from the sand. And then, as the tide rises, watch as it’s washed away as we take a moment to say a collective goodbye.
National Theatre of Scotland will be leading events at six beaches across Scotland: St Ninian’s Isle beach in Shetland, West Sands in St Andrews, Scapa beach in Orkney, Ayr beach, Roseisle beach Moray Firth and Culla Bay beach on the isle of Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides. In addition to the large-scale sand art, the public will be asked to join in by creating silhouettes of people in the sand, remembering the millions of lives lost or changed forever by the conflict.
Carol Ann Duffy has written a poem especially for the moment, to be read by individuals, families and communities on the day.
Please select the location nearest to you below for more information:
Locations in Scotland