One Day in Spring
April - June 2012

A season of new work from the Arab world in partnership with Òran Mór, and in association with The Tron and The Arches.
The centerpiece of the season is six lunchtime A Play, A Pie and A Pint shows in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Curated by David Greig, the shows have been written by artists living through turbulent political times in Lebanon, Morocco and Syria.
A Play, A Pie and A Pint
16 April – 9 June.
Could You Please Look Into the Camera – World premiere from Damascus
Dear Glasgow – Letters from seven writers from the Arab World
Hadda and Hassan Lekliches! – European premiere from Rabat
Damascus Aleppo – World premiere from Damascus
Sleeping Beauty Insomnia – World premiere from Beirut
One Day in Spring – Curated and directed by David Greig
Òran Mór Brasserie, Glasgow
Arabian Nights Every Tuesday, 17 April – 22 May.
An evening of food, poetry, music and conversation from the Arab world.
Tron Theatre Mayfesto
No Time For Art 4 – 5 May, 7.30pm
A series of documentary performances addressing police and military violence in Egypt today.
The Arches
Lines From Egypt’s Diaries, 5 May, 7.30pm
by Alternative Theatre Group and Massar Egbari Band
The One Day in Spring season follows on from the successful Latin American season in 2011, co-produced with Òran Mór in association with the Traverse Theatre.
Supported by British Council Middle East and North Africa.
One Day in Spring image courtesy of EgyptUnveiled/ Blipfoto