
September - October 2006

A woman wearing steampunk magnifying goggles looks into the camera. Her eyes are enlarged by the magnifying glass.


Gobbo is a goblin who doesn’t like adventures. What Gobbo likes best is sitting in front of his fire eating rhubarb and drinking dandelion ale and farting. If Gobbo had to make a list of the top ten things he didn’t like it would probably begin with:

10.Going down river rapids in a leaky canoe
9. Being captured by eagles
8. Falling down thousand foot cliffs.

Which is a shame for Gobbo because those are just of the things that happen to him in The Adventure of Gobbo and The Watchmaker.

The trouble is that Gobbo’s best friends – the brave and cheerful Globachan ‘We’ll be fine‘ and Globachan’s clever and plucky daughter, Pixie Pumpkin ‘How did you know I had a time shield?’- just can’t resist an adventure and so Gobbo is forever finding himself embroiled in dangerous scrapes.

This time, they must meet the scariest baddie yet – the Watchmaker and his mechanical army.

A show with live music, lots of dancing, some funny bits and a raffle with good prizes, Gobbo is a production for the whole family.

(Well, there are some exciting bits, like the attack of the giant robot baby – you might get scared. And there is the farting – you might be offended. And it’s really not very educational. Maybe you’d better not come.)

WINNER Best Production for Children and Young People: Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland 2006-2007