Glasgow Girls

July - October 2016


Scotland 2005. AHigh School in Glasgow. A community which has learned to accept the new wave of asylum seekers in its midst for the past six years. Friendships build, bonds are formed. Life seems settled, until one family is ripped from home in a Glasgow high rise flat, and driven away in the middle of the night to be deported.

Driven by a fierce sense of injustice, the girls fight together for the life of their friend, for their families' rights, for the rights of children. Despite the risks to their own safety, they take on the Scottish Government and Home Office and, as a team, succeed where adults and politicians often fail.

Presented by Pachamama Productions, the National Theatre of Scotland, Theatre Royal Stratford East & Regular Music present, in association with Citizens Theatre & Richard Jordan Productions

Tour venues

Beacon Arts Centre; Assembly Hall, Edinburgh; Citizens Theatre, Glasgow; Oxford Playhouse; Macrobert Arts Centre, Stirling; Dundee Rep Theatre


    Creative team
