Glasgow Girls

Citizens Theatre, Glasgow

February - March 2014


Based on a true story, Glasgow Girls follows a group of seven teenage girls whose lives are changed forever when they arrive at school one day to be told that one of their friends - and her asylum seeking family - have been forcibly taken from their home to be deported.

After the initial shock of this news has worn off, these feisty young women are galvanised to take a stand and to fight for the life of their friend, her family, and, ultimately for the rights of all children of asylum-seekers in Scotland. They take on the Scottish Government and the Home Office and succeed where adults and politicians have failed. Their campaign became one of the most vocal and powerful asylum campaigns to capture the imagination of the media and to inspire a community to unite behind its residents; Glasgow Girls is not just a life-affirming musical, it is their story.

Presented by National Theatre of Scotland, Theatre Royal Stratford East, Citizens Theatre, Pachamama Productions, Richard Jordan Productions Ltd in association with Merrigong Theatre Company (Australia)


    Creative team
