
Dundee Rep Theatre; Nairn Community and Arts Centre; Bella Horizonte Festival, Brazil

May & September 2018

woman with shoulder length grey hair in a grey dress is smiling


Eve is a deeply personal reflection on one trans woman's journey. From there and then, to here and now. From an oppressive 1950's boyhood, to present day.

Ground-breaking playwright and performer Jo Clifford will share with the audience a remarkably personal story which celebrates victories of survival and self realisation, against a backdrop of unprecedented societal and political change.

Performed with Jo's customary warmth, wit and passion, this truly intimate piece of theatre will also explore the ongoing challenges in Jo's everyday life. A life that has, at times, been turbulent and which continues to be challenging. Where the tiniest detail can open the floodgates to a tide of memories, reflections and dreams.

Written by Jo Clifford and Chris Goode, directed by Susan Worsfold and performed by Jo Clifford

A National Theatre of Scotland production


    Creative team
