Beautiful Burnout

2010 - 2012


Keep your guard up. Protect yourself at all times. Protect your boy. Keep him safe. Keep him close. That is all that matters.

Cameron is going places. He’s going to see lights. He’s going to make the world take notice and kneel at his feet. He’s fighting for his club, his Mum, his place in the world.

And this boy is a natural. He has an affinity with the violence, the balance, the ritual, the grace, and the power. He is indestructible.

Beautiful Burnout is about the soul sapping three minute bursts where men become gods and gods become mere men. It is the second when the guard drops, the eyes blink and miss the incoming hammer blow.

Beautiful Burnout is a thrilling new piece of highly physical theatre that will immerse the audience in the explosively visceral world of boxing.

Marking the first co-production between award-winning companies Frantic Assembly (Stockholm, Othello) and the National Theatre of Scotland (Black Watch, The Bacchae) this remarkable new work will assault your senses and challenge your preconceptions about the most controversial sport of our time.

Frantic Assembly is supported by Arts Council England.