An Tango mu dheireadh ann am Partaig | Last Tango in Partick
Oran Mor, Glasgow
February 2017

Leis a’ chloinn air an dachaigh fhàgail, tha Moira an dòchas gum faod beagan abhcaid a bhith an dàn dhi fhèin agus do dh’Iain. Dh’fhaodadh nan cuireadh iad dìreach beagan tìde seachad a’ dèanamh nithean còmhla, gun dùisgeadh iad sradag air choreigin sa phòsadh aca. Searbh de bhith a’ gabhail iongnaidh a bheil an sùgradh idir a’ dol a thòiseachadh, tha Moira a’ cur roimhpe na brògan dannsa a dhustaigeadh agus nithean a bheothachadh le beagan draoidheachd an lùib dannsa ‘strictly’. Ach, chan eil cùisean a’ dol mar a bha dùil nuair a tha i gu h-iongantach a’ tarraing aire fir a tha mòran nas òige na i fhèin. A bheil i a’ dannsa? A bheil e a’ faighneachd? Oir mar a tha fios aig gach neach, feumar dithis airson tango-adh ...
With the children having flown the nest, Moira’s been hoping there might be a bit more fun on the horizon for her and Iain. Perhaps if they just spend some time doing things together, they can rekindle the spark in their marriage. But he just can't – or won’t - let go of the day job.
Fed up wondering if the fun's ever going to start, Moira’s been filling her time with classes - from Pilates to pottery - but wants to find something they can do as a couple. Then, a thought. Why not dust off the old dancing shoes for some ballroom lessons? Liven things up with some Strictly magic? Iain's not so sure ... two left feet, old dogs and new tricks, any excuse to get out of it.
But Moira's no wallflower, and when she pairs up with Lachaidh she's thrilled by the music, the rhythm, the romance... and the surprising attentions of a much younger man. Is she really going to fall for this? She's old enough to be his mother! Now she has to ask herself - is she dancing? Is he asking? – because as everyone knows, it takes two to tango...
Produced by National Theatre of Scotland and A Play, A Pie and A Pint in association with MG ALBA and BBC ALBA, supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig
- Name
- Iain Beggs
- Name
- David Walker
- Name
- Mairi Morrison
Creative team
- Name
- Muireann Kelly
- Role
- Director
- Name
- Alison Lang
- Role
- Writer
- Teaching tango with An Tango My Dheireadh Ann Am
- An Tango mu dheireadh ann am Partaig / Last Tango