Rapunzel | Perfect Christmas


21 Dec 2021

News Story

Reuben Joseph performs 'Perfect Christmas' from Rapunzel, our very special online festive show.

A very special online festive show filmed in the beautiful surrounds of Stirling Castle, created by a Christmas cracker writing team, featuring sparkling showtunes from Novasound and directed by Scottish Panto King Johnny McKnight.

Directed by Johnny McKnight

Film Directed by Stewart Kyasimire

Written by Apphia Campbell, Johnny McKnight, Uma Nada-Rajah, Morna Pearson, Stef Smith, Meghan Tyler and Anita Vettesse.

A National Theatre of Scotland production in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland.


  • Name
    Amber Sylvia Edwards
  • Name
    Darren Brownlie
  • Name
    Jamie Rea
  • Name
    Johnny McKnight
  • Name
    Julie Wilson Nimmo
  • A home made looking poster that says My Left Right Foot The Musical with the word left crossed out
    Katie Barnett
  • Name
    Michelle Chantelle Hopewell
  • Name
    Reuben Joseph