Play Dates expands with new artists & activities announced for family-friendly digital series
Latest22 Jul 2020
News Story

Gaelic translation below
Play Dates, the family-friendly digital programme created in response to the COVID-19 crisis, is set to continue through the summer holidays, with new artists and activities announced today.
From Tuesday 28 July, a new series of interactive workshops from new artists will be released online, extending the existing weekly programme and providing fun, entertaining activities for children and families during the summer holidays.
That’s Not Your Spoon/Chan E Sin Do Spàin is a new series of animated storytelling videos for younger children at home, presented in both English and Gaelic, from creative practitioners Ruth Hamilton and Laura Haylock. The series will encourage and inspire imaginative play through the re-use of bits and pieces that can be found around the house, transforming everyday objects into fantastical props for stories and play.
That’s Not Your Spoon/Chan E Sin Do Spàin will be the first Gaelic language series to appear as part of Play Dates. The first episode will be released on 28 July.
On 10 August a new project from lead artist Mamoru Iriguchi and musical director and dramaturg Greg Sinclair, titled World Jam, will bring the summer Play Dates season to a close, and celebrate the return to school for children in Scotland. Premiering online, World Jam will be a special international musical event, involving children from Scotland and across the world singing Auld Lang Syne in their own language, accompanied by a young Scottish piper. This project will be a reminder of the joy of physically being with others, as well as the desire of feeling connected to people all around the planet.
Launched in May 2020, the weekly Play Dates programme has offered children and young people, parents and carers, educational inspiration and theatrical home entertainment. The programme has been created by the National Theatre of Scotland working in association with leading children’s arts organisations Starcatchers and Imaginate, to help families to connect creatively during the national lockdown.
There are currently thirty Play Datesepisodes available for families to watch and get involved with on the National Theatre of Scotland website. The programme has included interactive storytelling workshops, freewheeling Unicorn Dance Parties, a step-by-step guide to creating your own theatre show from the comfort of your home, video workshops to enhance your storytelling, and special games and exercises to play through video calls with friends.
Play Dates celebrates and offers fee-based employment to several talented freelance artists, technicians and practitioners who work regularly behind the scenes on the creation of world-class Scottish theatre.
Full details on the Play Dates programme can be found here.
Leudachadh air Play Dates le luchd-ealain is gnìomhachdan ùra, air ainmeachadh don t-sreath teaghlaich dhidseataich seo
Tha Play Dates, am prògram didseatach teaghlaich a chaidh a chruthachadh mar thoradh air cùis-èiginn COVID-19, deiseil airson leantainn air tro shaor-làithean an t-samhraidh, le luchd-ealain ùr agus gnìomhachdan ùra, chaidh ainmeachadh an-diugh.
Bho Dhimàirt 28 Iuchar, thèid sreath ùr de bhùithtean-obrach eadar-obrachail air an stiùireadh le luchd-ealain ùr a sgaoileadh air-loidhne, a’ leudachadh a’ phrògraim sheachdainich a th’ ann an-dràsta, agus a’ solarachadh fealla-dhà is ghnìomhachdan cleasachail do chlann ’s an teaghlaichean tro shaor-làithean an t-samhraidh.
Is e sreath ùr bhidiothan de sgeulachdan beòthail do chlann nas òige aig an taigh a th’ ann an That’s Not Your Spoon/ Chan E Sin Do Spàin, air an lìbhrigeadh san dà chuid Gàidhlig agus Beurla, bho na gnàthaichearan cruthachail Ruth Hamilton agus Laura Haylock. Misnichidh agus brosnaichidh an sreath seo cluiche mac-meanmhainneach tro ath-chleachdadh air trealaichean a lorgar timcheall an taighe, a’ cruth-atharrachadh nithean làitheil gu bhith nam propaichean iongantach airson sgeulachdan agus cluiche.
Bidh That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin mar a’ chiad shreath ann an Gàidhlig a’ nochdadh mar phàirt de Play Dates. Thèid a’ chiad eadar-sgeul a-mach air 28 Iuchar.
Air 10 Lùnastal, bheir pròiseact ùr leis a’ phrìomh neach-ealain Mamoru Iriguchi agus an stiùiriche ciùil is dràma Greg Sinclair, fon tiotal World Jam, seusan samhraidh Play Dates gu crìch, a’ comharrachadh tilleadh don sgoil do chlann ann an Alba. Leis a’ chiad fhoillseachadh air-loidhne, bidh World Jam na thachartas ciùil sònraichte eadar-nàiseanta, anns am bi clann à Alba agus bho air feadh an t-saoghail a’ gabhail pàirt a’ seinn Auld Lang Syne nan cànan fhèin.
Air fhoillseachadh sa Chèitean 2020, tha am prògram seachdaineach Play Dates air brosnachadh oideachail agus dibhearsain dràmadach san dachaigh, a thabhach do chlann agus do dhaoine òga, pàrantan agus luchd-cùraim. Chaidh am prògram a chruthachadh le Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba ag obair ann an co-bhonn le prìomh bhuidhnean ealain chloinne, Starcatchers agus Imaginate, gus teaghlaichean a chuideachadh gu co-cheangal cruthachail a dhèanamh tro àm a’ ghlasaidh nàiseanta.
Gu làithreach, tha trithead eadar-sgeul de Play Datesrim faotainn le teaghlaichean airson an coimhead agus com-pàirteachadh annta air làrach-lìn Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba. Tha am prògram air a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach bhùithean-obrach ann an innse-sgeulachdan eadar-obrachail, Pàrtaidhean Dannsa Unicorn cothromach, iùl ceum-air-cheum gu bhith a’ cruthachadh do thaisbeanadh dràmadach fhèin bho chofhurtachd do dhachaigh, bùithtean-obrach bhidio gus d’ innse-sgeulachdan a neartachadh agus geamannan is eacarsaichean sònraichte airson an cluich tro ghairmean bhidio le caraidean.
Tha Play Dates a’ comharrachadh agus a’ tabhach cosnadh stèidhichte air tàille do dh’àireamh de luchd-ealain, teicneòlaichean agus luchd-cleachdaidh tàlantach ag obair gu neo-cheangailte, a tha a’ gnìomhadh gu cunbhalach air cùl chùisean a’ cruthachadh theatar Albannach a tha aig ìre chruinneil.
Gheibhear làn fhiosrachadh mu phrògram Play Dates an seo.