News Story

The National Theatre of Scotland has today revealed details of the schools involved in Like Flying, an upcoming project taking place in East Ayrshire and Edinburgh this year.
Led by the Company’s Artist-in-residence Nic Green, Like Flying will see creative practitioners work with pupils at Craigmount High School in Edinburgh and Auchinlek Academy in Ayrshire to help pupils- through the form of aerial dance- learn to fly.
Pupils have begun working with creatives from two leading aerial performance companies: Aerial Edge in Auchinlek Acadamy, and All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre in Craigmount High School. The project will culminate in final performances involving students in June.
Like Flying is inspired by rising levels of anxiety and depression in Scotland’s young people, and will be developed in partnership with SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health).
After the performances, SAMH will deliver a symposium discussion on positive mental health in each school involved in the project, and the young people involved will be given the forum to ‘speak back’ to school management in the pursuit of improving mental health resources in their school and contribute to positive mental health in the school community.