News Story
You will receive the Zoom link and password in an email from National Theatre of Scotland. If you don't have this link and password please contact:
How to Join:
Click the link and enter the password when prompted.
Your device may need a few seconds to open this online meeting platform called Zoom.
Click the ‘Allow’ screen.
You will enter a ‘waiting room’ initially until the event start time.
Zoom may also ask you to use your computer audio. Click "Yes" to this option so we can all hear each other.
Settings – please use speaker or gallery view, whichever suits you best. We will mute your microphone for most of the event.
This meeting is free for the whole rainbow and allied community.
We acknowledge not everyone has internet access and we are exploring ways to reach everyone we can. Please get in touch if you know someone who would benefit from the project but doesn’t have access to the internet.
Health and Safety
Please ensure you have enough space around you to dance and make sure there are no trip hazards.
Have drinking water to hand.
Please ensure you only do what feels comfortable and safe for your body.
Take breaks whenever you feel you want to.
Photography and Filming
You can choose to keep your camera off if you would rather remain unseen.
The National Theatre of Scotland will record parts of the zoom event for research, development and publicity purposes only. Everyone will have the opportunity to opt out if they do not want to be recorded by turning off their camera. You will be told when recording is about to happen and see a red ‘recording’ symbol in the top left hand corner.
No dance club members will record or screenshot the session, and by joining the group we assume that you agree to this.
Other Questions
Do I need to dance?
You can dance as much or as little as you choose as well as not at all.
What do I wear?
Whatever you feel like wearing. You can go full on glam or come in your jammies… anything goes that doesn’t cause offence to others.
What if I am running late?
Please do join us whenever you can!
Can I use the chat function?
Yes you can, this can be for everyone to see or you can message one of the CBOB team privately. You will open the chat function by clicking on the speech bubble in the bottom centre of your screen
Will this event be BSL interpreted, Audio Described or Captioned?
We are in the early stages of development and are currently reviewing if this is possible.
Please feel free to email us directly if you require Sign Language Interpretation, Audio Description or Captioning -
If you have any further enquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us on or 0791 254 0137.
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