Residency FAQS


| Application Form Questions |

Tell us about you and how you make work

What this means: Tell us about what you do. For example, are you a writer, director, or choreographer? Also, tell us what kind of work you make. This could be things like making musicals, performances based on places, or work about themes. If you have a biography, you can include that. If you are new to theatre and have worked in a different field that's related to what you want to do in theatre, you can tell us about that too.

Tell us about the idea or project you want to develop

What this means: We know that this residency will allow you to explore and dive deeper into your idea. We ask this question so you can tell us what you hope to explore or make during your residency. You can also tell us who you might work with and/or what the other roles would be (for example, creative team like designers or performers).

Tell us how your proposal speaks to one or more of our priorities

What this means: Here you can tell us how you fit the criteria for the residency you are applying, and how your project fits into at least 1 of our 8 programme priorities. Programme priorities are important goals that we want to achieve. These goals include different types of projects, audiences, and themes:

  • Our programme priorities are:
  • Work that explores climate justice
  • Work that speaks to contemporary Scotland. This means work that reflects and address the current issues, culture, and experiences of people living in Scotland today.
  • Large scale popular programming, unmissable cultural events.
  • Work by, with and for those who are not regularly served by the current theatre infrastructure, including rural touring across the nation.
  • Pioneering site-specific and landscape work (this means a work which is rooted in a particular non-theatre place or in landscape)
  • Work by, with and for historically and currently excluded groups and communities
  • Work for younger people (18- 35)
  • Work that celebrates all Scottish languages and those spoken in contemporary Scotland, including (but not limited to) Gaelic, Scots and British Sign Language

Tell us if you were awarded this money how you would spend it to achieve what you want

What this means: We will work with you on managing your budget and what you can do with the money. Here we want you to tell us what you will spend the money on, for example your fee, materials, people you work with etc. We have set fee rates which we expect you to pay yourself and anyone you work with. Our development rate is £155 per day if you work for up to four days in a row, or £718.45 per week if you work for up to six days in a row.

Tell us about the idea or project you want to develop with Possobilities community (Artist in Community).

What this means: Here you can tell us about the idea you have for working in the community with the group Possobilities and why you think that would be a good idea.

| Eligibility |

What do you mean by “who has had more than three works which have been commissioned and fully funded – by a venue or company from its initial development stage to professional produced production presented at on a main stage scale”?

We use main stage scale to refer to a production which has been presented in a venue with an audience of 250+ with a run of at least 1 week in a professionally funded production. This also refers to productions which have been commissioned by a venue or company from development stage all through to professionally production.

I’ve had a sharing and/ or some research and development already can I apply?

Yes. If your sharing and the research was in early stages of development, you can apply.

Discover (Writer) what do you mean by "one written professional work made"?

This might be things like play texts, screenplays, poetry, fiction that you have been paid for and presented in front of an audience (including live, screen or digitally).

Discover (Dumfries and Galloway): I live outside of the Dumfries and Galloway, can I apply?

Yes. But in your application you must tell us about how you will make work in and for Dumfries and Galloway. Please note, are more likely to choose artists who live or work in Dumfries and Galloway.

Develop (Extended Reality (XR) Performance): I am a theatre maker but I don’t know any technologists. Can I apply? OR I am a technologist but I don’t know any theatre makers. Can I apply?

Yes. You can apply as a lead applicant if you are either a theatre maker (e.g writer, director, designer) or as a technologist. In your application, please tell us who you want to work with from the other field, or tell us what skills you are looking for.

For example, if you are director and sound designer (working as co-lead artists) and interested in 360 theatre, you could tell us what other theatre makers or roles you would like to work with you, and that you want to work with technologists and film makers who make 360 theatre.

Develop (Artists in Community): I live outwith commuting distance (25miles) to Glasgow. Can I apply?

Yes, this is open to all.

I’m an artist/ creative but new to theatre. Can I apply?

Yes, we welcome applications from artists from any artform who have professional experience in their field.

| Application Process |

How long should my application answers be?

The word count and time length for video and audio is listed for each question on the application forms. Please use the word count and time length as a guide. You don’t need to use the maximum length of time or word count; these are just approximations. These questions and answer word limits are based on written English language, and so we recognise that for some applications answers given in a different format a few more words or time may be needed to say all that you want to.

Supporting documents - can I include work that hasn't been performed as an example of my work?

Yes - it is helpful for the panel to see examples of your work and your practice (such as writing style). If you are applying to Discover (Writer) you can also include plays that haven’t yet been performed as examples of your work. We expect many applications, so we may only be able to read/ watch up to 20 minutes of your supporting materials. You can tell us which sections you’d like us to read or watch specifically if the work is longer.

I’m having issues with submittable.

Please contact if you are having any issues.

How will you decide which artist to choose?

We will look at how well you answer the questions, and use a scale to see how and if you have given us evidence (this means examples) to back up your answers. We will talk together to make decisions. It will not just be 1 person deciding.

We are looking for 2 main things:

  • how you and your idea or project fit into our programme priorities and if you have a new or interesting way of doing it
  • how this residency will help you achieve your goals for the project and for your future career.

We know that some groups of people face more barriers to working in theatre. We want our work to be by and about all the different kinds of people in Scotland. So we are more likely to choose artists who are:

  • Black, Brown, or People of Colour, from the African Diaspora, Caribbean Diaspora, East Asian Diaspora, South-East Asian diaspora, South Asian diaspora, West Asian and Middle East Diaspora, Latinx, Indigenous people, bi-racial / multiple heritage
  • LGBTQI+ or from marginalised genders including: agender, intersex people, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, non-binary, women, trans men, two-spirited
  • Deaf, disabled, or neurodivergent, or who have a chronic illness or a mental health condition
  • from a low-income household

We also welcome people to apply who

  • speak Gaelic, Scots or BSL
  • do not live in Edinburgh or Glasgow
  • experience discrimination because of their culture, beliefs, heritage and community (where they come from).

| During the Residency |

Can I choose my own creative team?

Yes, you can choose your team. The National Theatre of Scotland producers can advise you and help you find people to work with.

Finance – Can National Theatre of Scotland help me with my budget?

Yes, we will work with you and help you with your budget. If you have a producer (for example for Develop Residencies) then we will work with them on the budget.

How does the access budget work?

We have a separate pot of money for lead artists’ access requirements. This can cover things like caring responsibilities, travel, aftercare, translators and interpreters, PA roles, and software.

Other access costs for your project will come out of your residency budget. We will work you on this.

| Other Questions |

I have a project or idea I would like to talk to National Theatre of Scotland about.

We want to work with and help Scotland’s artists throughout the year.

To begin building these new connections, we offer a range of free, year-round opportunities for artists, as well as a range of paid opportunities. You can apply to these through our open calls. . You can find out more on our website here:

If you haven't talked to us before and want to connect with us, you can tell us about any events you're having. This could be things like shows that you are still working on. Just email us at