Theatre in Schools Scotland
Finding new ways to bring the magic of live performance into Scotland’s primary schools.

Theatre in Schools Scotland is finding new ways to bring the magic of live performance into Scotland’s primary schools this year.
While it is not possible to bring live performances into schools, Theatre in Schools Scotland is engaging with teachers and performing companies, developing and testing new ways of presenting performances for schools. The programme for 2021 will be announced later in the year.
Potato Needs A Bath
In November, an exciting new digital adaptation of Potato Needs a Bath presented by Shona Reppe allows children to connect and interact with the production in their classrooms.
Potato Needs a Bath, originally created by Shona Reppe and Andy Manley, is a gentle and lighthearted show for younger children in Nursery and Primary 1 classes. Audiences at school will meet Maris Piper (Shona Reppe) when she is streamed live into their classrooms preparing for Potato’s party. But Maris Piper can’t find Potato and he needs a bath!
A new filmed version of the story will be integrated with the livestream as Maris Piper, Potato and the children enjoy a party together, complete with party hats and dancing. The production, which is part of this year's Theatre in Schools Scotland’s annual programme, will be streamed into a number of schools across digital platforms. Funding partners are Orkney Islands Council and the PLACE Programme, a partnership between the Scottish Government - through Creative Scotland - the City of Edinburgh Council and the Edinburgh Festivals.
Chalk About
Award-winning performance company, Curious Seed, was scheduled to bring its acclaimed dance theatre show, Chalk About, into schools this autumn as part of Theatre in Schools Scotland’s programme. While this is not currently possible, the company is taking this opportunity to workshop ideas for the future of the show.
Working in two Edinburgh communities, Curious Seed will explore new ways of using the many themes and ideas within Chalk About to connect with local schools, children, adults and artists. Chalk About, originally created by Christine Devaney and Leandro Kees (Performing Group, DE) and commissioned by Imaginate is a playful, funny and sometimes moving look at how we see ourselves and others, for children in Primary 5-7.
About Theatre In Schools Scotland
Produced by the National Theatre of Scotland and Imaginate, Theatre in Schools Scotland creates opportunities for schools to host live theatre and dance performances in their school halls and classrooms. From 2016 - 2020, Theatre in Schools Scotland toured 20 shows bringing 752 performances to over 66,000 children from Shetland to Stranraer, reaching 24% of Scottish primary schools.
Theatre in Schools Scotland was initially developed by Imaginate and National Theatre of Scotland in partnership with Catherine Wheels Theatre Company, Starcatchers and Visible Fictions.
Theatre in Schools Scotland image by Colin Hattersley.