Production Managers & Producers Opportunity



We have an exciting opportunity for up to 10 early career Producers and Production Managers to see June Carter Cash: The Woman, Her Music and Me, our new co-production with Grid Iron Theatre Company, written and performed by Charlene Boyd and Directed by Cora Bissett.

You are invited to watch the show whilst it is on tour and take part in an online session, with Lighting Designer Elle Taylor and Chief Executive of Grid Iron Theatre Company Jude Doherty on Wed 11 Sep.

This opportunity is open to early career Producers and Production Managers, who are over the age of 18 and are based in Scotland, looking to obtain an insight into making a show that is site-specific or site-responsive. Suitable for creatives who are interested in working in a producer or production manager capacity on site-specific work (including touring site-responsive work).

If you have any access requirements, please email