Play Dates
26 May - 10 August

An online interactive programme for children and families.
National Theatre of Scotland in association with leading children’s arts organisations Starcatchers and Imaginate connects with families at home during the COVID-19 crisis.
Play Dates is a fun digital programme of interactive and entertaining workshops and activities for children and young people, plus their parents and carers, created by some of Scotland’s leading creative practitioners and freelance artists. All the activities will be free.
Weekly activities
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That's Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spain | Ages 3 +
Broadcast Tue 28 July - Friday 31 July at 2pm
World Jam | All ages
Broadcast Monday 10 August at 2pmPlay Dates celebrates and offers fee-based employment to talented freelance artists, technicians and practitioners, who work regularly behind the scenes on the creation of world-class Scottish theatre.
Play Dates offers a selection of curated online resources, including artistic demonstration videos, relating to previous National Theatre of Scotland projects, hosted for free online.
National Theatre of Scotland in association with Starcatchers and Imaginate.