Lament for Sheku Bayoh | Post Show Discussion

For ticket holders only

Saturday 21 Nov, 9.15pm

Three women sit reading scripts


The Mythologizing of Black Men: representation, reality and what’s at stake?

All audience members for Lament for Sheku Bayoh are invited to join a free online webinar and post-show discussion on Saturday 21st November at 9.15 after the stream ends at 9.00pm. This event will be BSL interpreted and captioned.

The panel will be chaired by Clementine E. Burnley (public storyteller and community worker) and includes: Deborah Coles (Director of Inquest), May Sumbwanyambe (Scottish playwright and academic) and Courtney Stoddart (poet, performer and activist).

With contributions by Hannah Lavery (writer and director of Lament for Sheku Bayoh) Aamer Anwer (solicitor) and Kadie Johnson (sister of Sheku Bayoh)

Bookers will receive the link to this event five minutes before the event is due to start.

Booking will close at 9.10pm