Extraordinary Trash:
A Theatre Essay
Edinburgh International Book Festival
‘…He knew no other pleasure but what consisted in opposition.’
In association with the National Theatre Scotland, Extraordinary Trash: A Theatre Essay is a funny and provocative meditation on adaptation, authenticity, and Scottishness. Playwright Pamela Carter and director Stewart Laing have returned to archival material from their 2013 theatre production of Paul Brights Confessions of a Justified Sinnerin the hope of making history. Featuring actor and film director Adura Onashile as 'The Archivist' audiences can expect a suitably meta-interpretation that is part-lecture, part-documentary, part-theatre. Warning: May Contain Truths.
Created by Stewart Laing (Director) and Pamela Carter (Writer).
Performed by Adura Onashile
Justified Sinner 200 is supported by the Scottish Government’s Festivals EXPO Fund, and by Sir Ewan and Lady Brown.