That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin

Broadcast from Tuesday 28 July - Friday 31 July at 2.00pm
That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin is a new series of animated and captivating storytelling videos for younger children, presented in both English and Gaelic.
From creative team Ruth Hamilton and Laura Haylock, this series will encourage and inspire imaginative young minds through the re-use of bits and pieces that can be found around the house, transforming everyday objects into fantastical props for stories and play.
That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin will be the first Gaelic language series to appear as part of Play Dates. The first episode will be released on 28 July.
For ages 3+
Ga chraobh-sgaoileadh bho Dhimàirt 28 Iuchar - Dihaoine 31 Iuchar aig 2.00f
Is e sreath ùr de bhidiothan le sgeulachdan meanmnach agus beò-ghlacmhor do chlann òg a th’ ann an That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin, air an lìbhrigeadh ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla.
Bhon sgioba chruthachail Ruth Hamilton agus Laura Haylock, misnichidh agus brosnaichidh an sreath seo inntinn mac-meanmhainneach chloinne òig tro ath-chleachdadh air trealaichean a tha rin lorg timcheall an taighe, a’ cruth-atharrachadh nithean làitheil gu bhith nam propaichean iongantach airson sgeulachdan is cluiche.
Bidh That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin mar a’ chiad shreath ann an Gàidhlig a’ nochdadh mar phàirt de Play Dates. Thèid a’ chiad eadar-sgeul a-mach air 28 Iuchar.
Do dh’aoisean 3 +
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That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin | Episode 4: That's Not Your Story | Ages 3+
First broadcast Friday 31 July at 2.00pm
That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin | Episode 3: That's Not Your Pillowcase | Ages 3+
First broadcast Thursday 30 July at 2.00pm
That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin | Episode 2: That's Not Your Book | Ages 3+
First broadcast Wednesday 29 July at 2.00pm
That’s Not Your Spoon / Chan E Sin Do Spàin | Episode 1: That's Not Your Spoon | Ages 3+
First broadcast Tuesday 28 July at 2.00pmCreative Team
Play Dates celebrates and offers fee-based employment to talented freelance artists, technicians and practitioners, who work regularly behind the scenes on the creation of world-class Scottish theatre.
Play Dates offers a selection of curated online resources, including artistic demonstration videos, relating to previous National Theatre of Scotland projects, hosted for free online.
National Theatre of Scotland in association with Starcatchers and Imaginate.