minoritised scottish languages
What We Do![Stephen Bangs, Billy Mack, Christina Gordon and Emily Winter in a previous production of The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil. The group stand in a military pose, wearing military hats.](https://supercool-nts.transforms.svdcdn.com/production/Productions/Archive/Cheviot-Stag-Black-Black-Oil/29444006096_fc1ecdec4f_k.jpg?w=600&h=248&q=100&auto=format&fit=crop&dm=1666774692&s=a1197506c0056f3ec2368ef6fe2b9b1d)
As a national performing arts company, we are passionate about representing Scotland’s many voices and stories. We are committed to the inclusion and presentation of work in that celebrates Scottish languages, including (but not limited to) Gaelic, British Sign Language (BSL) and Scots.
We endeavour to:
- Support the development of minority language artists through our artist residency programme each year. All artist engagement activities are open to artists from our priority under-represented groups.
- Commission and/or support the development of new minority language plays/projects each year.
- Represent minority languages in a National Theatre of Scotland production, co-production, supported production or other public facing performance opportunities whenever work is ready to be produced.
- When recruiting new board or staff members, we will endeavour to ensure representation of Minority Language speakers/users.
- Ensure that all our productions are made accessible to BSL users through the integration and embedding of BSL Performance Interpreters in each production.
All our work is artist led, so if you are an artist working with one of Scotland’s minority languages, please do approach us with ideas for new productions or other partnership opportunities.
If you would like to find out more about free and paid opportunities to connect with us and develop work, go to – FOR ARTISTS
Mar chompanaidh ealain gnìomhachaidh nàiseanta, tha sinn dìoghrasach mu mhòran ghuthan is sgeulachdan Alba a riochdachadh. Tha sinn dealasach a thaobh in-ghabhail agus taisbeanadh air obair a tha a’ comharrachadh cànanan na h-Alba, a’ gabhail a-steach (gun a bhith cuibhrichte) Gàidhlig, Cànan Soidhnigidh Bhreatainn (BSL) agus Albais.
Tha sinn a’ strì ri:
- Taic a chur ri leasachadh luchd-ealain mhion-chànanan tro ar prògram còmhnaidheachd luchd-ealain gach bliadhna. Tha gnìomhachdan conaltraidh luchd-ealain uile fosgailte do luchd-ealain bho ar prìomh bhuidhnean fo-riochdaichte.
- Leasachadh phròiseactan/dhealbhan-cluiche ùra mhion-chànanan a choimiseanadh agus taic a chur riutha gach bliadhna.
- Mion-chànanan a riochdachadh ann an taisbeanadh, co-thaisbeanadh, taisbeanadh le taic no cothroman gnìomhachaidh eile don phoball, bho Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba, nuair a bhios obair deiseil airson a riochdachadh.
- Ann an trusadh buill ùra bùird no luchd-obrach, bidh sinn a’ strì ri dèanamh cinnteach gum bi riochdachadh air luchd-labhairt/luchd-cleachdaidh Mhion Chànanan.
- Dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil ar riochdachaidhean uile ruigsinneach do luchd-cleachdaidh BSL tro amalachadh is leabachadh air eadar-theangairean mar-aon BSL anns gach riochdachadh.
Tha ar n-obair uile air a stiùireadh le luchd-ealain, mar sin ma tha thu nad neach-ealain ag obair le aon de mhion-chànanan na h-Alba, feuch gun tig thu thugainn le beachdan airson riochdachaidhean ùra no cothroman com-pàirteachais eile.
Nam bu mhath leat tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu chothroman an-asgaidh agus pàighte airson ceangal leinne agus obair a leasachadh, theirig gu – DO LUCHD-EALAIN.